The principle of capacity for life


            1. Without capacity for life from doctrine in the soul no blessing is worth having.

            2. This means self-discipline under the daily function of GAP.

            3. Capacity for life, love, blessing happiness, means that the road blocks of the soul have been removed. They have been removed by reaching supergrace, and often by adversity. Sometimes one of the basic reasons for suffering is that you have almost reached the high ground but as you approach you have road blocks in the soul. This means you have the inability to enjoy the blessings you are going to have under SG2. That means that sometimes, just before you reach supergrace, you are going to have the greatest sufferings of your life.

            4. When the supergrace believer has capacity for life he keeps his priorities straight.

            5. When the supergrace believer has capacity for life he is occupied with the source of all his blessings, the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore he enjoys his blessings because prior to receiving them he was occupied with the source, and he continues to be occupied with the source.

            6. The believer who becomes wealthy through supergrace blessings of his paragraph SG2 must maintain his perspective to enjoy those blessings. His perspective is in the soul, his priorities are in the soul, his capacity for life is in the soul. He can’t afford to lose that capacity. If you lose the capacity you lose the enjoyment of the things that God provides for you in SG2.

            7. Maintenance of perspective and keeping one’s priorities straight is as simple as the continuation in the daily function of GAP.

            8. Supergrace and its capacity is perpetuated by persistence in the function of GAP.

            9. When the wealthy supergrace believer begins to neglect doctrine he becomes occupied with his wealth and his riches. Instead of being occupied with Christ he gets so occupied with himself that he has the arrogance against which he is warned in 1 Timothy 6:17.

            10. Love of the blessor causes the blessee to continually enjoy his blessings.

            11. Therefore our confidence must be in the source of blessings to really enjoy the content of blessings.

            12. The pattern of discipline becomes obvious when the supergrace believer blessed with wealth and riches begins to neglect. He may retain his wealth as a means of discipline. God can take the very blessing that he gave in wealth and turn it around and make it a cursing.

            13. For such a believer to begin to depend upon riches rather than God, the greater his priorities go out of whack the greater becomes the use of blessings as cursings.

            14. Therefore the more he depends upon riches or wealth the more miserable he becomes. The possession of wealth does not mean happiness, happiness is vested in capacity of the soul. To lose capacity for life through reversionism and maintain the wealth means that the wealth becomes a source of discipline.



            1. It must be emphasised again and again that capacity for life must precede blessings of life.

            2. Furthermore this capacity for life originates not only from maximum doctrine resident in the soul but the removal of those roadblocks of the soul which hinder application of doctrine. Capacity for life is related to application of doctrine. If you cannot apply doctrine it is because of roadblocks in the soul.

            3. Capacity for life is not only the possession of doctrine in the soul but the application of that doctrine from the soul.

            4. Capacity for life is one of the blessings of paragraph SG2, category #1.